Seek the Holy Ghost

Through my years of preaching in Africa I have heard a stream of testimonies from people whose lives have been changed by our Lord Jesus at our crusades and through other ministry that we have done.

A good example of this is the street drunkard in Bulawayo, who was saved and is very successfully pastoring today. All six of his children now have college degrees, including one who is an airline captain.

I have seen innumerable others whose lives have been changed. These are regular people who are either in ministry or are in high positions within society today because of what Jesus has done for them.

I meet or hear from such people all the time. I hear stories of lives changed, people healed from dreadful diseases and infirmities, etc.

This is the fruit of 37 years of preaching in these nations.

But what is the SECRET to all this?

- First of all, it is the Gospel. Believe me, the preaching of the Gospel does bring radical results. In Western countries, we must return to the basic Gospel of preaching Christ. God's intervention in people's lives does not come through psychological diatribes, pep-talks, life coaching, etc. We must simply preach the Gospel of Christ crucified.

- Secondly, it is the simple teaching of the Word of God. Get away from talking about all of this modern-day religious "prophetic" stuff and people's "private revelations" of what "God has shown them," things that are not found in the Bible; and get back to preaching the Bible itself. Line upon line, precept upon precept. Teach things that people can live from, and that do not fly high above their heads. It is always the simplest teaching of the simplest truths in the Word of God that brings the greatest blessings to people and changes their lives. Stay with faith, renewal of the mind, and the speaking the Word, i.e simple things from the Bible. Watch what God does in people's lives.

- Thirdly, back to Pentecost. Back to praying with tongues of fire, and the nine gifts of the Holy Ghost. Say goodbye to the "gold dust," laughter and running around. Laughter and running around are ok once in a while, but if that is all that we think that the Holy Ghost is capable of, then we are seriously missing something!

Say goodbye to treating the Holy Ghost like that unstable uncle who is an embarrassment to the family. You have to invite him to weddings and birthdays, but then you want him to sit in a corner where he does not say or do anything to embarrass you in front of your sophisticated friends.

Seek the Holy Ghost and ask Him to be the Lord and to do whatever He wants to do. Then watch what happens!

I would rather that God changes lives, instead of man trying to do so through his man-made programmes and psychology. Let God be God. That is when lives are changed.

Originally posted on Facebook by Pastor Christopher Alam


The Smell of Fire!


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