What We Do

Christopher Alam has preached the Gospel in over 75 nations so far, and over 1,500 churches have been started as a fruit of this ministry.

Our work in missions began with a trip to Poland in 1983, when we took a van loaded with food and relief supplies to the ‘Light and Life’ Charismatic Youth Movement which was held by the Roman Catholic Church. Each day during the trip, Christopher had the opportunity to minister which resulted in many people receiving Christ Jesus as their Savior. In addition, many people were healed from various diseases and infirmities. Near the end of the trip, God healed a man who was paralyzed from his chest down as a result of a traffic accident. This miracle proved to be the driving force that opened many doors for us to take the Gospel into Poland, which at that time was still under communist rule.


Throughout the years of ministry in Poland, God’s presence was evident through His mighty signs and wonders, and as a result, multitudes received Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The last campaign that Christopher held in Poland was sponsored and organized by the government-run Polish Television, which made a very positive documentary entitled “The Crusade.” It was broadcast twice during prime-time which was viewed by over half of the country’s population. Christopher continued to minister in Poland until just after the fall of communism in 1990.


In 1985, Christopher began working in South Asia where he held many large crusades. The result of that time he spent in South Asia was the planting of 85 new churches, mostly in unreached areas. Through the 1980s, Dynamis World Ministries also reached into South America, with large crusades in Argentina and in Chile. It was in 1987 that Christopher first ministered in South-Central Africa. The first crusade was held in Malawi, and revival broke loose as a result. Christopher developed a strategy to reach Malawi with the Gospel, and within a few years Dynamis World Ministries had held crusades in every city in Malawi with a population of 20,000 or more.


Through these crusades many new churches were started that, today, have memberships numbering into the thousands. As the ministry and focus grew in Africa, the need for a permanent base of operations increased. Christopher established a base in Zimbabwe and began to hold crusades all over the Southern region of Africa, stretching from South Africa to Tanzania. Over the years, Dynamis World Ministries has been to many hard to reach and difficult areas, many of which were previously untouched by Gospel crusades.


Gospel Crusades

We hold 12 mass open-air Gospel Crusades and Festivals in unreached areas in Africa and Asia per year. We have Crusade Teams who hold pre-Crusade training of local churches before every Crusade and Festival. After every Crusade there is follow-up of new believers to get them planted into local churches. The preaching of the Gospel is accompanied by signs, wonders, and miracles.


Church Bible Planting School

We have a Church Planting Bible School in Africa and are starting another one in Asia. Here we train church planters to go out and plant churches in unreached areas.


Schools of Ministry

We regularly hold Schools of Ministry for Pastors, Evangelists and Church leaders to equip them for ministry and to enhance their ministry skills. We have experienced and seasoned Pastors from the US and other countries who come and teach at these Schools.



We have an Orphanage in Zimbabwe. Almost all the orphans have grown up and gone into adult life. We are soon going to start with a new group of orphans who we shall raise until adulthood.



We oversee several hundred churches in Africa that come under AWAKE Ministries, which is our “Church arm.”


Humanitarian Aid

We provide humanitarian aid in different situations where there are great needs.