"HERE AM I, SEND ME!" Isa 6:8

I received Jesus on the 13th of December 1975. Three days after I received Jesus, I was out handing tracts on the streets in a hostile Muslim environment. It was the 16th of December 1975. That was when I heard an audible voice behind me that said these exact words in English, "This is what you will do the rest of your life; I will take you all around the world and you will tell people about Jesus".

I took that to be God calling to serve Him full-time, and from then onward there was no stopping me. The way was long and hard, including almost a year in prison for preaching the Gospel, and months wandering from country to country as a refugee.

However, there was one good thing I did: wherever I was, I placed myself under godly leaders and put myself as accountable unto them. They spoke into my life, rebuked me, and corrected me when necessary (and it was often, believe me!). I learned not to be offended, and I learned not to do my own thing but to work in the greater context of working together with others who were driven by the same spirit of faith as I was. I developed an impatience for those who did not press forward in faith, those who showed no evidence of Fire and eagerness, and those who were lazy in God's work, and those did not like to take risks but always played it safe.

 My leaders made me read the Bible and pray every day. They made me memorize scores of scripture verses. They not only taught me, pushed me, and corrected me, but they also affirmed me and helped me move on to greater responsibilities. I was not the most talented of men, nor was I good academically; in fact, if I was to ask any denomination to send me out as a minister, they would have found me unsuitable.

However, I was blessed to be under the mentorship and counsel of good leaders who saw "something good" in me worth investing in, and I pressed-on hard in faith despite my shortcomings. As a result, I stand where I am today. I am not the most gifted, eloquent, or significant of men, but I have learnt from some of God's best. I have always respected the spiritual authority that God has placed me under and have pressed forward trusting Him who is faithful. As a result, although I cannot claim to have done anything great or super-significant with my life, I have been blessed to see some fruit come from my life and my ministry.

I am writing all this for ONE reason only: I have seen just too many gifted young men and women who have gone into ministry and have either crashed out or have never seen much fruit through their ministries. The #1 reason for this is that they have NEVER put themselves under godly spiritual counsel nor do they listen to anyone. They have no accountability other than "to God alone". Nobody can speak into their lives, because in their minds they hear from God, and they know best. They do not lack zeal or sincerity, but they just have not learnt to listen to anyone. Such men and women have set themselves up for failure.

One thing I must add in conclusion. When it comes to spiritual counsel, submit yourself to a pastor and to men and women of God who themselves are Christlike, humble, compassionate, and are known for their lives of prayer. If you make the mistake of submitting yourself to leaders full of charisma but who are controlling, abusive, who use you to promote their own kingdoms, then you are also setting yourself up for disaster. Believe me, I have been there, and I got out when I could!

My friends, who are young ministers with the calling of God upon your lives, submit to humble and godly men and women of God who have fiery testimonies of faith, who will mentor you, teach you, correct you, and affirm you. Be a lifelong learner. Be a servant. And you will do well and not fail!

Originally posted on Facebook by Pastor Christopher Alam


